Student Employee

A temporary part-time hourly employee who is enrolled in six (6) or more quarter credits of college classes at Edmonds College and is otherwise exempt from State Civil Service Law (see RCW 41.06.070). Additionally, according to WAC 357-04-040, they either: 

(a) Participate in a documented and approved programmed internship which consists of an academic component and work experience; or

(b) Are employed through the state or federal work/study programs; or

(c) Are employed by the institution at which they are enrolled (or by a related board) and meet any one of the following conditions:

(1) The student works five hundred sixteen hours or less (516 or less) in any six consecutive months. Hours worked in a temporary position(s) during quarter breaks and the quarter when not enrolled (see criteria in section II.C.1.a-b) are not counted in the five hundred sixteen (516) hours. The position is exempt only if the student does not take the place of a classified employee who was laid off due to lack of funds or lack of work; and the student does not fill a position that is currently or was formerly occupied by a classified employee during the current or prior calendar or fiscal year, whichever is longer.

(2) The student is employed in a position directly related to his/her major field of study to provide a training opportunity.

(3) The student is elected or appointed to a student body office or student organization position such as student officers or student news staff members.

Source Information
RCW 41.06.070 Exemptions to chapter-Right of reversion.

WAC 357-04-040 Which student employees of higher education employers are exempt from civil service rules?


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